Arachnids & Insects

Arachnids & Insects

We both stock and can source a wide range of arachnids and insects, including Tarantulas, Praying Mantis, Stick Insects, Giant Millipedes, Isopods and Springtails for bioactive enclosures, Scorpions and Madagascan Hissing Cockroaches.


We stock a range of Stick Insects, including Indian, Giant Prickly, New Guinea and Thorny Stick Insect - all easy and inexpensive to keep.


There is a large range of Tarantulas available, including burrowing species that are easy to keep and more 'docile' than some other species: the Chilean Rose, Mexican Red-Knee and Curly Hair Tarantula. The arboreal (tree-dwelling) Tarantulas include the Indian Ornamental and South American Pink-Toed Tarantula, which although still quite 'docile', can be fast-moving and jumpy, so are probably better suited to the more experienced spider keeper.


Two commonly kept Scorpion species are the Emperor and the Deser Hairy Scorpion; much like the Tarantulas, these are more 'pets' to watch then to handle and can be fascinating to keep.


We also stock molluscs such as Giant African Landsnails; very easy and inexpensive to keep! 


If you are interested in any of these species, please give us a call and speak to one of our team!



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